Key to the Sacred Pattern

20 July 2007

Grail Seekers Media Watch for the Week Ending 21 July 07

Grail Seekers this week:

I am continuing the shotgun approach to finishing some projects. The Templar and Grail Maps are going nicely as well as a few articles I’ve been working on. Also I’ve updated the Links page of the Google Group with a few more interesting sites if you’re looking for something new out there.

On Audio:

Abaxas’s Coffee, Cigarettes, and Gnostics show #57 features Richard Webber, author of the Solomon Key.

Jim Michael, President of the Ancient Kentucke (yes that’s Kentucke without a “y”) Historical Society, talks about the location of the Ark of the Covenant under Silbury Hill (map location can be found on the Grail Seekers Map) on the Oopa Loopa Café.

Laura Lee has some interviews of note this week:

24 July 07: George Erikson on his theories about America being Atlantis.

27 July 07: Gary Biltcliffe talks about Britain’s sacred sites.

In the News:

Israel asks the Turkish government for the Siloam Inscription back.

A golden mask is found in Bulgaria. I wonder how the excavations of Templar sites are doing.

Want to have coffee with a Mason?

Italy again… the Vatican closes its library for a 3 year renovation period. The article is unclear if this includes the Secret Archives as well. This wouldn’t be so scholars and archeologists can’t get information about Paul’s Tomb after they open it could it?

On the Web:

Philip Coppens examines the “cutting of the elm” at Gisors.

Blog On:

A nice picture of Rosslyn under restoration was posted by Smokin’ Beagle

Blog d’Elisson’s merges two of my favorite things, alchemy and Scotch.

David Icke thinks Renne-le-Chateau might be close to being underwater in 2012.

The Templar Code for Dummies Blog has in interesting York Rite video.

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